Sunday, November 1, 2009

lovely first of november

I had a lovely day. It began with a great sermon from the church, followed by a wonderful date with ahze, and the day was wrapped up with an enjoyable dinner with the family and my love. The dinner was very joyous and family-ish. I think having dinner with family and ah ze together, is one of the wonderful things to do in my life. And I really thank God that mom and dad are peaceful tonight with each other after fighting for the past couple of days. You really can't deny the power of praying haha!

Gosh I just remembered something. Yesterday was a raining day. And after raining, there were snails moving slowly everywhere on the walkway. Ahze accidently crushed one. My scream was too late to save the little thing. Oh well, ahze says snails are pests, they destroy the plants and leaves, so don't feel bad about killing them. Well I guess to all the accidently-crushing-snail-and-feel-sad-people, this is a good news. To those who simply have phobia in crushing snails, don't go out after raining.

God bless.