Thursday, October 1, 2009

i'm a moviegoer

It has being so long since my last entry. Stepping into a new month of October, I'm hoping to see changes and new inspirations. After all humans need to be inspired to grow up!

For the past weeks and month 'n half, i had been pretty busy with work. Got myself involved with a production house. Going out as early as 6.30am and coming back as late as 9pm. It was fun, but hactic. I was following the filming crew, getting ready the costumes, packing things, shoving the crowds in public malls, eating the horrible chillie fried rice, getting sick, etc.... I dont think i can take this kind of working life. Now ever since the project is over, i feel so happy with every little min of my time.

Now must plan the next step.

Alright... so I had a few movies this second half of the year:

District 9 is not a typical alien sci-fi movie. It has taken a different and unique approach than those usual Hollywood sci-fi. I was totally blown away with the unexpected development and thought-provoking storyline. The movie started off in a documentary style, more like a mocumentary, and gradually changes the perspective to a third-person without you even knowing. Goshhh. And the CGI is just wow! Even the actors, who i think appearing first time in block buster, have given a very solid performance. Great job on that. Overall, the director has made the movie so realistic and believable. Love it!

Inglourious Basterds is another masterpiece by our beloved Quentin Tarantino. Most of us are familiar with his other works like Kill Bill and Pulpfiction. Inglourious Basterds is another intense Tarantino movie that you just cant stop laughing through out. It is filled with dark and crazy ideas, and hilarious moments. I love the sharp and clever dialogues like how Tarantino did for all his movies. Though theres the new challenge of German and French speaking this time, Tarantino still done a great job. Oh man it is such a good movie, i must say best of the year. Simply awesome!

Hmmm i realised i didn't get to see any romantic comedy this year. Like The Proposal, heard that it is a good movie. I love Sandra Bullock (ever since she knocks me away in While You Were Sleeping), and Ryan Reynolds, who I think is doing a great job with every performance he does.

Anyways, recently i found out the STARBUCKS (yes i have to cap the lovely name) near my house is brewing for 24hours, I felt extremely happy and excited. But i'm not sure why i felt that way when i cant stay out late and enjoy it! Arrrggg that just sucks!

I need to change my blog bg again... actually it should have been changed long long ago, to match my new perspective of the world. Laziness is my middle name. Well actually i wish i have one. Speaking of my chinese name, i hate stereotype. People see my chinese name with only two characters (one for the surname, one for the first), they think i'm from China. But i'm not! Can't the freaking Taiwan people have minds of naming their kids with only 1 character for the first name too?! And often people think it is so cool to have two characters only, but on the other hand, i often think if i have three in my name, it will be so cool.

God bless.