Tuesday, June 24, 2008


We no longer say "Yo' man!", "Hey man!", "What's up!" or anything else. A new trend has been developed in the company.

We now greet each other with "Nei-garrr!" (yes say it with a long "Rrrrr" sound)

What kind of fucking-retarded thing is this you must be wondering. Well, it is originated from we, the Chinese people. We always say "那個" ("na-ge") repeatedly in a sentence to show our hesitation or a pause for thoughts when we speak. It's just like saying "Ermm... about that....". But we often say it in a way like "Nei-ge, nei-ge...", which happens to sound like "nigger nigger...." to the non-chinese. An extremely disparaging and offensive slang to call a black person. And South Africa happens to be one place that is extremely sensitive of racism, due to its past unhappy history (now we don't get into the sad stories).

Fortunately, my non-chinese colleagues had enquired the defination of the word "那個" from the Chinese, and so we (chinese) didn't offend anyone here by saying that (thank God...). But somehow this became a joke in the company instead.

As all the chinese people in the company start the sentence with "那個", now all the blacks and whites and other colours, has started to greet each other with "Nei-garrr!!" Nei-gar! Nei-gar!". Obviously they got the idea wrong.

Instead of saying "Hey yo man!", imagine people happily say "Nei-gar!!" with a big smile when approach you in the morning, and gives you a hi-five...

Something is definitely wrong with this trend.

cheers people!